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"Ohio Conservatives PAC is Ohio's go to principled grass roots organization that's fighting to elect PRINCIPLED, CONSERVATIVE FIGHTERS to public office all across Ohio." 

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Move the Needle

Donate today to help us amplify our message across Ohio. Unlike other organizations, Ohio Conservative PAC only donates to PRINCIPLED, CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS. We don't get behind establishment candidates who are willing to sell out our values for political power. 

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Get Involved

We need all hands on deck as we take on the radical left in 2023 and beyond. We need volunteers LIKE YOU to help us spread our Conservative message and help elect principled Republicans across Ohio. We're seeking volunteers, county captains, and especially CANDIDATES. 

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Share the Movement

Like, follow, comment, and share Ohio Conservative PAC's content on social media to amplify our message. 

Paid for by Ohio Conservatives PAC

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